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03 January 2008

The Mystery Of The Face On The Cake

I came across one of those rare stories that make you feel good all over. I'm a sucker for father/son tales, too (go see Tell Them Who Your Are and make sure you watch the cut scene they included in the Special Features, which in my opinion made the whole movie worth it to me; I actually cried.) So you can tell that the story below got to me. I laughed out loud and smiled throughout the whole story. It has 3 short parts; there's a link at the end of each section. It's worth the time to read and is guaranteed to make you feel good. Enjoy.

The Mystery Of The Face On The Cake via

1 comment:

AleetaOne a.k.a. A1 said...

how strange, i just checked out that site today before reading this post. it's hilarious. the interview is the main attraction here.