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23 October 2008

Potato-looking Cheese

For those who know me, two of my weaknesses are cheese and french fries. So you can understand unbridled joy when my coworker brought me a Nicaraguan cheese called Cuajada.
When I was looking for it in the fridge, all I found was a ziplock bag with this flat potato.

I opened the bag and knew instantly that this was going to be the best part of my day. This bad boy is smoked out more than most of the kids I see during the day. It has a spongy texture like fried tofu and is salty like a day at the beach.

I cut a few pieces of this unpasteurized goodness and ate it straight, at the disapproval of the Nicaragüense. "You're supposed to eat it with something. Beans or rice or anything." Now, I know why. But I'll let the unicorn tell you why.

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