Twitter Updates

03 October 2008

Where's that horse?

NaNoWriMo is coming in 27 days! Who's in with me? To get my creative juices flowing again, I've decided to get in as much writing as I can, in as many mediums as possible. The most consistent of my writings has been my tweets on Twitter, pretty much updating every day. I want to start writing more than the 140 characters but don't expect to be writing long narratives here.

I'm visualizing blogger as metaphorical push-ups one does first thing to start the day. Not necessarily to build muscle but more for maintenance and morale building. By the way, I haven't done a push-up since the first day I got Wii Fit. It wasn't pretty.

So keep your eye out on new posts. This time around, I'm going to try to keep them more like narrative commentaries, a little more memoir-ish, and a lot less journal-like. As you can see my descriptive abilities have gotten flabby. Lots of work to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excited to have you back! :)